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SEO News Bytes September 2004

By Shelley Murphy

To all our valued customers, let me start by saying I apologize for such a long delay in writing and keeping up with our newsletters. We have been a busy group of people developing new tools and continuing to improve on our software adding new features such as the Links Plus+ which is now available in the Professional Edition, all thanks to our newest member of the TrendMetrix team, Dimitri Kozhevnikov, programmer and software developer who hails from Russia, has worked countless hours to make SEO Studio a big success.

So What's New...

Since our release of SEO Studio back in September 2005, our customers indicated they wanted more features and so...we gave them more. With the recent release of the Links Plus+ Professional Edition this now puts our software in a league of it's own. Hence, this brings me to some of the questions I have been asked over the past few months and wanted to share them with our readers.

I have been asked by many people, "why should I reciprocal link"...

I always begin by telling them they should reciprocal link not only because it will get you a higher ranking in search engines, but it also gets you free traffic to your site. I can tell you from past experiences, it took days to find reciprocal link partners with high quality sites and sites with content pertaining to my business. Let me tell you I could not wait to use the new Links Plus+ tool, it turned days of searching for link partners into minutes, and after all I am being paid by the hour.

Now I have one tool that does it all, this tool allows you to search for link partners with your keywords or competitor's links found in all the major Search Engines. Analyze Anchor text, META tags, and Title tags for specific keywords on link pages. Retrieve the Google Page Rank, Alexa Page Rank, and Yahoo! Directory information, and DMOZ information for your potential link partners. Manage link partners, and conduct email campaigns with customizable templates. Create link directory pages for your own website. Check for broken links or removed links from your link partners, this and more at my fingertips.

Set a side the reciprocal links for a moment if you will, it's not just about links...

I always try to instill on to others, CONTENT, remember people, Google likes content. Which brings me to one of the most frequently asked questions I am about to delve into, what constitutes quality content. It can be confusing as to which kind of content Google is looking for. I admit, I once thought content was content, but I quickly learned I was very wrong, not all content is created equal. Engrave in your mind the phrase "keyword rich text".

Understanding and utilizing keyword based comparisons against competing sites as well as the important keyword statistics such as occurrence, density, and prominence enabled me to construct a well written "keyword rich text" web site favorable to all search engines. Now I am no sales person, but when you find a good product that works for you, then go for it as I did using SEO Studio and to this day we rank quite high on several of our keywords.

We have also added to our web site the new "Live Support" feature...

We all know how frustrating it can be when you have a question whether it is a technical question or a simple inquiry, we all want answers fast. Now you have it with a click of the mouse, our technical staff is ready, willing and able to assist you within seconds of your request and simple to use. We believe it is an important call-to-duty to serve the needs of our customers and provide them with a comfort level when needed.

What's Next...

TrendMetrix remains consistent with cutting edge technology and continues to build and create the tools needed for Search Engine Optimization in helping businesses grow and get noticed. Slated for release in the Fall of 2004 will be some powerful new features such as, the introduction of the new SEO Studio scheduler to execute unattended submission, ranking, and Top 10 Spy reports. Extensive off page factor analysis influencing ranking including the Google allinanchor, allintitle and allintext commands. History based reporting of search engine ranking reports with enhanced position analysis including competing pages. A new addition to the Links Plus+ tool will be theme based link page creation with structured category breakdown based on user preference.

TrendMetrix is pleased to announce a brand new Affiliate program...

TrendMetrix has launched an Affiliate Marketing Program where affiliates can earn 25% commission on every sale. To sign up or learn more about this great opportunity to become an affiliate marketer for TrendMetrix, please visit: http://www.trendmx.com/affiliates/seo-affiliate-program.aspx.

Closing Comments...

It can be a frustrating journey when you are first starting out and trying to find your way in the listings, especially when we are constantly being bombarded with the words, page rank, links and keywords, but remember we all have to begin somewhere. Search out the necessary tools to assist you and make your task of optimization as less stressful as possible, my favorite expression that I live by is, "keep it simple". At Trendmetrix we are here to provide you with unconditional support and forever wishing you great success.


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